agosto 05, 2014

Rafael Santa Cruz R.I.P.

Lamentamos una nueva perdida importante para el mundo del cajón: el músico y actor Rafael Santa Cruz falleció de un paro cardiaco en su casa en Lima, con solo 53 años.
Rafael fue uno de los más destacados embajadores del cajón peruano en el mundo; además de su faceta musicál, era un able comunicador, tanto con la palabra como con la pluma.
Escribiò libros y articulos sobre el origen y la historia de la música afro-peruana, y especialmente del cajón, y fue el creador y promotor del Festivál del Cajón en Lima.
Su libro "El Caj
ón Afro Peruano" es uno de los trabajos con más información sobre los cajoneadores peruanos, recopilando estilos y hechos sobre los antiguos maestros como Gancho Arciniega, Pititi, Chocolate, Caitro Soto...
Personalmente, tuve la suerte de conocerlo en el verano de 2009, en Madrid; Rafael era una persona dotada de carisma naturál, y de una espontaneidad que le hacìan querer por todo el mundo.
Él me manifestó aprecio y simpatía: fue un estimador del documentál que producí, incluso me invitó a participar a la primera edición del festivál para presentarlo, pero no pude atender a causa de graves problemas familiares.
Ahora más que nunca lamento no haber tenido la oportunidad de conocer más a fondo este amable caballero.
Adiós compadre...

We are sorry to announce another big loss for the world of the cajón: musician and actor
Rafael Santa Cruz passed away at his home in Lima, due to a heart attack, he was only 53.
Rafael was one of the most important ambassadors for the Peruvian cajón in the world: beside his musical activity, he was also a skilful communicator, both with his word and his writing.
He wrote a book, and many articles about the origin and the history of Afro Peruvian music, especially the cajón, and he created and managed the Cajón Festival in Lima.
His book "El Cajón Afro Peruano" is one of the most informative publications about the subject, collecting styles and tales from the old Masters, like Gancho Arciniega, Chocolate, Pititi, Caitro Soto...
Personally, I was lucky to have met him during the summer of 2009, in Madrid; Rafael was gifted with a strong natural charisma, and he was so spontaneous that everybody that met him had to like him.
He was appreciative and nice towards me: he liked the documentary that I produced, and he even invited me to take part to the first edition of the festival in order to present it to the public, but I was unable to go, due to serious family problems at the time.
Now, more than ever, I am sorry to have missed the chance to know better this great gentleman.
So long, my friend...

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